2009 Smart Parts Impulse

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

2009 Impulse

The 2009 Impulse has been flying off the shelves! Any and all kinds of players have been very impressed with the overall performance of the 2009 Impulse. Many people seemed to have their doubts in the beginning, but have been extremely mistaken after their purchase.

Very light weight and durable have been some of the comments heard about the 2009 Impulse. The accuracy and, dependability, and efficiency have been some other great comments floating around by this great gun as well. The 2009 Impulse has now become one of the most popular and sought after guns you can find.

Since the release of the 2009 Impulse they have been very hard to find. Very few people have been lucky enough to be one of the few who have a 2009 Impulse. Smart Parts simply cannot keep up with the constant demand of customers wanting the 2009 Impulse. Have patience, they will soon be able to fulfill all needs with this great new gun, the 2009 Impulse.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Another Smart Parts Impulse Color

Here is another one of the latest colors available for the Smart Parts Impulse. Again, a very nice Dust Black with Polish Silver parts. A lack of color options is a thing of the past with these new guns. The Smart Parts Impulse seems to be coming out with new colors everytime we turn around. Great Job Smart Parts, we are all loving the new colors for the Smart Parts Impulse.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

New 09 Impulse Color Released

Smart Parts has now come out with one of the new colors for the 2009 Smart Parts Impulse. As you can see, it is a sleek Dust Black with Gold Parts. This new color has not been seen very often but is soon to be one of the most popular colors available. This will be another one of the standard color options on the 2009 Impulse. Not a limited edition color. We will have to wait and see if Smart Parts will be coming out with another new color for their New 09 Impulse.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Smart Parts Impulse Video!

This is an awesome Smart Parts Impulse Video which will walk you through some of the great new aspects of the Smart Parts Impulse. This video is made with one of the guys straight from Smart Parts. So you know the information is good.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Smart Parts Impulse

The Smart Parts Impulse, in my opinion, is going to be the best gun out on the market and will be one of the best we have had in a long time. The Smart Parts Impulse has everything a player could want all wrapped up in one gun. As stated in all of the previous posts about the Smart Parts Impulse, inside and out, it will be very light, very stylish and very easy to handle. It will not be prone to any problem that most guns are faced with. No airlines to leak and no fittings to have problems with either. The Smart Parts Impulse will easily change the way we look and make paintball guns, based on efficiently and overall design. The Smart Parts Impulse will easily revolutionize the world of paintball same as the first Impulse did years ago. Keeping the legend alive.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Waiting Game for the New Impulse

We are all waiting patiently for the New Impulse to finally be released for sale to the public. I have heard word that it should very very soon. Possibly later next week! It's not sure how many guns Smart Parts is actually going to release the first time but I am hoping it will be enough for my order! I want to be one of the FIRST to have the New Impulse out on the field! I basically know everything there is to know about the New Impulse and just want to get my hands on it! So the count down is on for the release of the New Impulse!