2009 Smart Parts Impulse

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cell Phone Technology in the NEW Impulse???

You don’t have to run to the corner store to buy batteries for your cell phone, and you shouldn’t have to do that for your paintgun. A built in lithium polymer battery uses the same technology that drives mobile phones to drive your game. Just in case you blow through the battery’s optimal 100,000 shot charge in a single game (how many pods are you carrying?!?) and don’t have time to charge, we’ve got you covered. Our designers gave the impulse snap-grips AND a spare battery. Swapping for a charged battery requires no tools and takes only seconds. For the normal person, your daily routine includes plugging your cell phone in at night before you go to bed. Well now, for the paintball enthusiast in us all, all you will have to do is plug your baby in at night before the big game. Unplug it in the morning and your good to go!
**The Impulse charger is designed for universal operation with 110 or 220 volt AC wall outlets in most countries of the world. Prong adapters may be required outside of the US, Canada or Mexico.
**It takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to fully charge. Charging time is affected by temperature, and battery discharge level.

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